Mitjana de la titulaciķ
xxx (xxx)
- Rendiment
- Čxit
- No presentats
any | rend | čxit | % np |
2023 | 97.4504249291784702549575070821529745042500% | 99.7101449275362318840579710144927536231900% | 2.2662889518413597733711048158640226628900% |
2022 | 97.9411764705882352941176470588235294117600% | 100% | 2.0588235294117647058823529411764705882400% |
2021 | 95.8490566037735849056603773584905660377400% | 99.2187500% | 3.3962264150943396226415094339622641509400% |
2020 | 95.3642384105960264900662251655629139072800% | 99.3103448275862068965517241379310344827600% | 3.9735099337748344370860927152317880794700% |
2019 | 97.500% | 99.2727272727272727272727272727272727272700% | 1.7857142857142857142857142857142857142900% |
2018 | 92.8961748633879781420765027322404371584700% | 98.837209302325581395348837209302325581400% | 6.0109289617486338797814207650273224043700% |
2017 | 97.2222222222222222222222222222222222222200% | 100% | 2.7777777777777777777777777777777777777800% |
2016 | 88.9361702127659574468085106382978723404300% | 98.5849056603773584905660377358490566037700% | 9.7872340425531914893617021276595744680900% |
2015 | 90.1162790697674418604651162790697674418600% | 98.1012658227848101265822784810126582278500% | 8.1395348837209302325581395348837209302300% |
2014 | 93.500% | 100% | 6.500% |
2013 | 97.391304347826086956521739130434782608700% | 100% | 2.608695652173913043478260869565217391300% |
2012 | 96.1538461538461538461538461538461538461500% | 100% | 3.8461538461538461538461538461538461538500% |
2011 | 94.2857142857142857142857142857142857142900% | 95.6521739130434782608695652173913043478300% | 1.4285714285714285714285714285714285714300% |
* Cal tenir present que les dades de rendiment i čxit no tenen en compte el pes del crčdit de l'assignatura sinķ que es considera que totes les assignatures tenen el mateix pes.
xxx (xxx)
- Matrícula d'honor
- Excelˇlent
- Notable
- Aprovat
- Suspens
% per qualificacions
MH | Ex | Nt | Ap | S | |
2023 | 3.4782608695652173913043478260869565217400 | 46.0869565217391304347826086956521739130400 | 43.4782608695652173913043478260869565217400 | 6.6666666666666666666666666666666666666700 | 0.289855072463768115942028985507246376811600 |
2022 | 5.1051051051051051051051051051051051051100 | 40.8408408408408408408408408408408408408400 | 41.4414414414414414414414414414414414414400 | 12.6126126126126126126126126126126126126100 | 0 |
2021 | 5.4687500 | 45.312500 | 39.45312500 | 8.98437500 | 0.7812500 |
2020 | 4.4827586206896551724137931034482758620700 | 40.6896551724137931034482758620689655172400 | 42.0689655172413793103448275862068965517200 | 12.0689655172413793103448275862068965517200 | 0.689655172413793103448275862068965517241400 |
2019 | 4.00 | 36.7272727272727272727272727272727272727300 | 49.8181818181818181818181818181818181818200 | 8.7272727272727272727272727272727272727300 | 0.727272727272727272727272727272727272727300 |
2018 | 6.3953488372093023255813953488372093023300 | 32.5581395348837209302325581395348837209300 | 52.9069767441860465116279069767441860465100 | 6.9767441860465116279069767441860465116300 | 1.162790697674418604651162790697674418600 |
2017 | 6.1224489795918367346938775510204081632700 | 35.5102040816326530612244897959183673469400 | 46.9387755102040816326530612244897959183700 | 11.4285714285714285714285714285714285714300 | 0 |
2016 | 6.6037735849056603773584905660377358490600 | 43.3962264150943396226415094339622641509400 | 39.1509433962264150943396226415094339622600 | 9.4339622641509433962264150943396226415100 | 1.4150943396226415094339622641509433962300 |
2015 | 8.2278481012658227848101265822784810126600 | 53.797468354430379746835443037974683544300 | 31.0126582278481012658227848101265822784800 | 5.0632911392405063291139240506329113924100 | 1.8987341772151898734177215189873417721500 |
2014 | 7.4866310160427807486631016042780748663100 | 43.3155080213903743315508021390374331550800 | 32.0855614973262032085561497326203208556100 | 17.1122994652406417112299465240641711229900 | 0 |
2013 | 6.2500 | 50.0 | 37.500 | 6.2500 | 0 |
2012 | 14.00 | 44.00 | 34.00 | 8.00 | 0 |
2011 | 11.5942028985507246376811594202898550724600 | 27.536231884057971014492753623188405797100 | 40.5797101449275362318840579710144927536200 | 15.9420289855072463768115942028985507246400 | 4.3478260869565217391304347826086956521700 |
MH | Ex | Nt | Ap | S | |
2013 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
2011 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
xxx (xxx)
- Rendiment
- éxit
- No presentats
Any | Matriculats | Rend | éxit | % np |
2013 | 5 | 60.0% | 100% | 40.0% |
2011 | 4 | 100% | 100% | 0% |
Rendiment i qualificacions per pla
Aquesta assignatura s'ofereix a més d'una titulacio , a continuaciķ hi ha les dades desglossades segons el pla en quč estan matriculats els alumnes.
- 4313133 Māster Universitari en Cōmput d'Altes Prestacions, Teoria de la Informaciķ i Seguretat / High Performance Computing, Information Theory and Security
- 4313136 Māster Universitari en Modelitzaciķ per a la Cičncia i l'Enginyeria / Modelling for Science and Engineering
Any | Titulacio | Matriculats | Indicador |
2013 | 4313133 | 8 |
4313136 | 5 |
2012 | 4313133 | 7 |
2011 | 4313133 | 9 |
4313136 | 4 |
Any | Pla | Matriculats | mh | exc | nt | ap | s | np |
2013 | 4313133 | 8 | 0% | 63% | 13% | 13% | 0% | 13% |
4313136 | 5 | 0% | 40% | 20% | 0% | 0% | 40% | |
2012 | 4313133 | 7 | 0% | 29% | 71% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
2011 | 4313133 | 9 | 11% | 67% | 11% | 11% | 0% | 0% |
4313136 | 4 | 0% | 75% | 25% | 0% | 0% | 0% |